Climate & Other Physical Factors

When to visit Whitby

You can visit Whitby any time, there isn't any months of the year when it closes, the attractions and shops are the towns livelihood and so are open all year round.  Over the winter months some fishing trips may stop, but the shops, museums and Abbey will still be open.

The weather is like most places in the UK, it is by the sea so you do get a bit of a cold wind, but during summer months it can be really sunny and nice.
Always check the weather before you visit by using the BBC Weather link.

Tide Times

Low Tide03:22 (2.10m)
High Tide09:33 (4.80m)
Low Tide16:04 (1.70m)
High Tide22:20 (4.60m)


Daylight hours 


Keeping Whitby nice

As with all towns it needs a lot of work to keep everything working correctly.
This website features lots of photos of where the sea, climate etc.. have destroyed pieces of the harbour.

I would hope that the local council would have sorted some of these things out.  I know they have re-opened the lighthouse as I went up it in May 2013.

Whitby Cliffs - Dangerous!

CALLS have been made for signs warning people about the dangers of the collapsing cliffs along the Whitby coastline. after these holiday makers were saved from danger by a local dog walker.
Peter Horbury was taking his dog Aussie for a walk on the beach on Tuesday afternoon when he came across two women and two teenagers pitching a tent and setting up a barbecue within a metre of the cliff which was perilously close to collapse.
He warned them of a cliff slide further down the beach just three weeks ago and suggested they move the tent.
He added: “I asked them if they had seen the large piece of cliff, they had. Although I sensed it concerned them, they had still pitched the tent there. I think the council should put warning signs up.”
A spokesperson for Scarborough Borough Council said while it didn’t want to stop people enjoying the natural beauty the cliff has to offer people should treat areas around cliffs with caution.
They added: “This sort of cliff movement is a natural occurrence along our stretch of coastline. When considering whether signage is appropriate in the areas we have responsibility for we consider the potential risks such as numbers of people using the beach, the likelihood of slips and whether signs can be safely installed and maintained. We also judge how effective signs would be. This is because we have noticed in other areas where we do have signs that their effectiveness is often minimal.
I have also added in the news report about cliffs falling down on the front page of this blog.

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